Cattleya violacea var. alba

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Cattleya violacea var. alba is the largest flowered alba Cattleya violacea that we have ever seen! This spectacular species is found in a number of countries in South America such as Bolivia. Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, the Guianas, Peru, and Venezuela.

Cattleya violacea var. alba gives us spectacular white flowers with a yellow patch on the throat along with wonderfully fragrant flowers of this hard to find form of the species.

Cattleya violacea var. alba is a very rare and beautiful plant that produces fragrant, long-lasting white flowers. This small to medium-sized species grows in warm to hot conditions and is found in Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, and British Guiana at elevations between 500 and 2300 feet. Although it has a broad range, the climate is consistent across all areas. The plant often grows on large horizontal branches near or over rivers, ensuring moisture is available even in the dry season.

Cattleya violacea, the most widespread species of all Cattleya orchids in the wild, is native to the lowland rainforests of the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. These orchids require heat and moisture year-round and typically grow on trees along rivers.

These plants can grow up to 8 inches tall and usually have 2-3 flowers, but some can have up to 8 on an inflorescence. The blooms are fragrant and long-lasting, making this species very attractive. To grow Cattleya violacea successfully, provide warm conditions (around 70F at night) and water often during active growth, allowing the roots to dry quickly. During December through March, when rainfall is less in their natural habitat, avoid leaving the plant dry for extended periods. They can be grown mounted on cork or hardwood, or in medium bark, such as terra cotta pots. Repot just as new growth begins.

These plants thrive in bright and warm/hot conditions with high humidity. They do well in the hot and humid Florida summer, especially when mounted on tree fern or driftwood. Water heavily during active growth, and mounted plants may require daily watering in the summer.

This is a blooming size in a 5" pot, about 1 to 2 years to bloom, grown from seed, limited!

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