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La Foresta Orchids

Vanda Hybrids: Mokara Aranda Chark Kuan

Vanda Hybrids: Mokara Aranda Chark Kuan

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Mokara Chark Kuan, a stunning hybrid orchid from Aranda Christine x Vanda Cholburi, is known for its vibrant pink blooms that brighten any space. This orchid, a cross between Vanda, Ascocentrum, and Arachnis, combines the best traits of these genera, producing tall, sturdy flower spikes adorned with multiple blooms. The flowers are typically star-shaped, with a delicate texture and a striking pink hue that stands out against the plant’s lush green foliage. It is a reliable bloomer, capable of flowering multiple times a year under the right conditions, making it a favorite among orchid enthusiasts.

Cultivation Tips:

Light: Thrives in bright, indirect light, similar to the conditions preferred by Vanda orchids. For indoor cultivation, place the orchid on a south-facing windowsill where it can receive full sun for part of the day. If growing in a greenhouse, provide 25 to 35 percent shade during the summer months and slightly less shade in winter. If placed outdoors during the summer, ensure the plant is gradually exposed to bright light and is protected from the intense midday sun.

Temperature and Humidity: This hybrid orchid prefers warm temperatures, with daytime highs between 65°F and 95°F (18°C to 35°C) and night temperatures above 55°F (13°C). Mokara Chark Kuan (Pink) is heat-resistant and can handle occasional spikes in temperature, but it should never be exposed to freezing conditions. High humidity, ideally around 80%, is crucial for the plant’s health. To maintain humidity, place the pot on a pebble-filled tray with water just below the pebbles and use a fan to keep the air circulating, which helps prevent fungal issues.

Watering: It has an extensive root system and requires frequent watering, especially when grown in bright light or outdoors. Water the plant whenever the potting mix feels slightly dry on the surface, allowing water to run freely out of the pot. In the winter, when the plant's growth slows, reduce the frequency of watering but do not allow the roots to dry out completely.

Feeding: Regular fertilization is essential for the robust growth and flowering of Mokara Chark Kuan (Pink). During the growing season in spring and summer, feed the plant weekly with a balanced 20-20-20 fertilizer diluted to full strength (¼ teaspoon per gallon of water). To promote flowering, substitute a high-phosphorus 10-30-20 fertilizer every third feeding. In the winter, when growth slows, reduce feeding to once every two to three weeks.

Potting: Like other Vanda Alliance members, Mokara Chark Kuan prefers its roots to be undisturbed. However, if the roots start to outgrow the pot or if the potting medium breaks down, it’s time to repot. Soak the plant in its container in water to soften the roots, then gently remove it and repot into a slightly larger container with a coarse, well-draining medium like fir bark or chopped tree fern.

Mokara Chark Kuan is a beautiful and rewarding orchid hybrid that offers stunning pink blooms multiple times a year. To keep your orchid thriving, provide bright, indirect light, warm temperatures, and high humidity. Water frequently during the growing season and feed regularly with a balanced fertilizer, switching to a high-phosphorus formula occasionally to encourage flowering. Repotting should be done with care, only when necessary, to ensure the roots remain healthy and undisturbed. With proper care, Mokara Chark Kuan (Pink) will be a showstopper in any orchid collection.

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