Vanda Hybrids: Vanda Kultana Brown x Vanda Kanchanaburi
Vanda Hybrids: Vanda Kultana Brown x Vanda Kanchanaburi
This stunning hybrid combines the rich, warm tones of Vanda Kultana Brown with the striking patterns and vibrant hues of Vanda Kanchanaburi. The flowers are large and eye-catching, with a blend of deep brown, golden-yellow, and hints of red. The blooms are known for their longevity, lasting up to three months, making this orchid a true standout in any collection.
Cultivation Tips:
Light and Shade: Vandas thrive in bright light conditions. Place your orchid near a south-facing window for optimal sunlight exposure. If you move it outdoors, ensure gradual exposure to bright light, starting with dappled sunlight before transitioning to more direct light.
Temperature and Humidity: This hybrid prefers warm temperatures between 70ยฐF and 90ยฐF during the day and 60ยฐF to 65ยฐF at night. Maintain humidity levels between 50% and 70%. If humidity is low, consider lightly packing New Zealand Sphagnum Moss around the roots or using a humidity tray.
Watering: Vandas should be watered when the medium is slightly dry to the touch. This typically occurs every 5 to 7 days. Increase watering frequency during blooming periods. Always water in the morning to allow the leaves to dry before nightfall, preventing bacterial growth.
Feeding: Fertilize your Vanda every time you water during the growing season with a balanced 20-20-20 fertilizer. During periods of inactive growth, reduce feeding to every other watering. Flush the media with non-softened water once a month to prevent salt buildup.
Potting: Vandas can be grown in pots or baskets. For best results, use a potting mix of New Zealand Sphagnum Moss or Orchid Bark Mix. Repotting should be done every two years or when the plant outgrows its pot. Handle the roots gently during repotting to avoid damage.
The Vanda Kultana Brown x Vanda Kanchanaburi hybrid is a magnificent orchid that showcases a blend of rich colors and long-lasting blooms. With bright light, warm temperatures, proper humidity, and careful watering, this orchid will thrive and reward you with stunning flowers that can last up to three months. Ideal for both experienced growers and enthusiastic beginners, this hybrid will make a captivating addition to any orchid collection.